Dice and Tokens

I ordered dice, stickers and one empty card of each size from The Game Crafter, just to see what their material looks like and how I can work things out if I use that site. Made tokens with the stickers.

Also got some work done on the game today. Feels good.

September 18, 2012.

These are the dice the game will need.

Some ugly ass tokens.


  1. How do they feel? I was hesitant to go for the parts that required players to put together themselves, but that's mainly because my game was designed to be super simple. However, I did have some ideas floating around for a customizable dice game.

  2. I haven't tried their tokens, I put the stickers on some parts that I already had. The dice are light, especially the customizable one that you put stickers on. It feels kinda clumsy. I prefer heavier dice... is that nerdy? haha. The D20 felt good. Anyway, I think you are familiar with the cards already, they are nice but a bit thin. Next time I'll buy tokens to try them out.
